An informative day for all with an introduction/sign up by Manuka Orchard for beekeepers wanting direct access to their drum information as well as the link to show the platform for direct online sales. Please contact us if you were unable to attend but would like to access the site. See below for highlights from other speakers on the day...

Waka Digital gave the opening speech outlining their work on honey definitions for select native honey varieties (other than Manuka), to lay the foundation for a push to improve the value of other NZ honeys going forward.
Terry Braggins from Analytica came as one of our guest speakers to give us an update on the work being undertaken globally to create an ISO to further
define honey from current CODEX standards. There is no official date of adoption or list of countries adopting the standards but there are many countries involved with setting the standards around the following:
stricter criteria for raw honey
better definition/criteria around moisture reduction
stricter criteria for feeding practices
Analytica investigations into Diastase led to recommendations including:
understanding and protecting diastase activities in honey with tips on processing/storage/transportation temperatures relating to time.
