Smart Honey Storage
Dealing with honey storage problems? We take care of all your honey challenges, storing honey in a clean, monitored, pest-free environment so your valuable asset grows in value. With plenty of experience in the manufacturing and engineering processes around honey storage and sales, your honey is in safe, professional hands with Logan and the team. With correct storage and handling, we’ll maximise your honey’s economic potential.
Worry-free drum storage
We take the hassle out of storing your raw and processed honey. Affordable, safe and quality bulk honey drum storage saves you time, energy and stress. From one drum to 100 and beyond, ask us about ambient temperature storage, high moisture honey, chilled storage, drum transfers to and from our facility and Mānuka honey enhancing storage.
Contact us now for storage options and prices.
Super storage of hives
Beat the wax moths and other pesky pests and keep your extracted frames and hive boxes in tip top shape in the off season with chilled storage, priced affordably on a maximum 2.1m overall height per pallet. We can organise pallet transfers to and from our storage facility in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.