Frustrated with how much honey is worth at the moment? Struggling to sell your honey and sick of ringing around potential buyers? We can help.
We’ve seen honey prices go up and down over the past 15 years we’ve been in the honey industry, and right now things are pretty tough for honey producers. That’s why we’ve set up New Zealand’s first centralised honey storage facility - Mānuka Orchard - to make storing and selling honey easier and more profitable for beekeepers.
In a nutshell? We store and sell quality beekeepers’ honey to bulk buyers looking for pure New Zealand honey here and overseas. You retain ownership of your honey, we just take the stress out of selling it - no-brainer, right?
To spread the word about what we do, we’re joining dozens of businesses passionate about the growth of the New Zealand honey industry at the Apiculture New Zealand Conference and Trade Exhibition at Rotorua Energy Events Centre from 27-29 June 2019. It’s our first show and we’re really looking forward to three full days of workshops, exhibitors, industry learnings and updates. From beekeeper basics to pest management, there’s plenty of fascinating subjects to wrap your head around.
So, how does Mānuka Orchard help beekeepers?
We take the hassle out of connecting you to bulk buyers here and overseas; handling the sale, shipping and payment.
We’re confident you’ll make more money per kilo of honey than if you go it alone. We ensure your quality honey is used in sought-after blends, and matches buyers’ exacting quality control standards.
We’ll solve honey challenges, including fermented drums, moisture reduction, honey thermalising, filtering, blending and Mānuka growth storage.
Buyers enjoy quick, easy online access to a catalogue of honey where they can find the exact quality, volumes, flavour and blends they need at a competitive price.
We combine years of manufacturing and engineering experience with scientific excellence to bring buyers authentic, quality, clean honey.
Your honey is stored in a scientifically-monitored, safe, smart storage facility in the Bay of Plenty and we ensure all honey products leave our facility well-presented and ready to on-sell.
Where’s the Mānuka, Orchard stall?
Follow the scent of freshly brewed coffee and you’ll spot us.
Our trade stand is down from the coffee stand and lounge at: Stall 90 and 91, Rotorua Energy Events Centre, 27-29 June 2019.
Like to know more about us before the event?
Find out more about who we are and our passion for honey
Learn how you can get the most out of your honey with our Smart Honey storage facility and Smart Honey services.